Leviticus 21:1-24:23

Ezekiel 44:15-31

God describes the restrictions related to priests’ sexuality and marriage. God then describes a variety of holidays, including Passover, Shabbat, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. God outlines the omer period, asking the Israelites to bring food offerings to the priests for seven weeks.



Parashat Emor: Sacred Time, Sacred Connections

An unusual juxtaposition in this Torah portion highlights an oft-overlooked piece of observing the major festivals.

More on this Torah Portion

Sacred Time and Space

The Jewish concept of holiness is bound to notions of sacred time and space--and reaching out to those in need.

Ghosting God

Freeing yourself from 'the busy trap'

The Cruel Demands of Purity and Beauty

By and large it is not only the preference for beauty that has spilled into Western culture, but also the equation between beauty and goodness.

The Instinct to Hoard

Even when times are tough, we still must give.

Caring For Dead Loved Ones

Despite their focus on life, priests are permitted to attend to their closest relatives in death.

Some Days Count More Than Others

The days between Passover and Shavuot are a time of great vulnerability and profound opportunity.

The Omer Period — Time As Text

Our changing observance of the period between Passover and Shavuot reflects our sensitivity to the realities of our history.

Ascending Towards Accessibility

The biblical exclusion of people with disabilities from serving in the priesthood demands that we develop greater sensitivity to those with special needs in our communities.

Pursuit Of Happiness

As identified Jews, our speech and actions reflect on our families and the larger Jewish people.

Does It Really Matter How I Drive?

We are commanded always to act in ways that bring honor and sanctity to God's name.

Our Relationship to Other Creatures

There are real actions we can take to preserve species diversity.


Obligations to the poor at harvest time.

Jewish Priests (Kohanim) and Caring for the Dead

Although priests cannot have any contact with death, exceptions are made for their immediate relatives.

Parashat Emor: Teach Your Children Well

Parashat Emor focuses on the laws of the priesthood, sacred donations to the Temple and the calendar of sacred festivals. ...


Taking care of a guest's needs takes precedence over one's relationship with G-d.

Being Kind to Animals

We must remember that respect for the living creatures in this world is also an important value.

Challah for Parashat Emor

Today is the ___ day of the Omer.

Managing Our Anger

Emor: A resource for families.

Parashat Emor Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Haftarah for Parashat Emor

Regulations for the Zadokite priests.

Inclusivity and Access

Reckoning with the exclusion of those with disabilities and illnesses from the Temple service.

Catch the Rhythm

The Jewish holidays can help those on the periphery gain access to the rhythm of Jewish life.

Parashat Emor: Summary

God gives Moses a series of laws specific to the priests; God then instructs Moses to tell the people about the festivals in addition to laws of blasphemy and murder.

Sanctifiers Of Time

The commandment to proclaim the festivals includes concepts of communal responsibility and imitating God.