Haye Sarah

Genesis 23:1-25:18


For full text in English and Hebrew, click here: Genesis 23:1-25:18

In this Torah portion, Sarah dies at the age of 127. Abraham searches for a place to bury her and settles on Machpelah. Abraham searches for a wife for his son, Isaac. Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Isaac. The servant meets Rebecca at a well, where she provides water for him and his camels. Abraham marries Keturah and has six more sons. He then dies at the age of 175.

Click here for a summary of Haye Sarah.
Click here for a summary of the Haftarah for Haye Sarah.

Rebecca gave water to Isaac's camels
Rebekah gave water to the servant’s camels

Text Studies

Social Action and Environmentalism

Where Was Sarah?
Rabbi Avi Weinstein, Hillel

Opening the Gaps of Patriarchy
Adina Gerver, AJWS
Being Blessed With Everything
Rabbi Neal J. Loevinger, KOLEL
Rereading Hagar
Rabbi Dorothy A. Richman, AJWS 
A Marriage Made In Heaven?
Rabbi Stephen Cohen, Union of Reform Judaism 
Living A Full Life
Guy Izhak Austrian, AJWS 
Inside Isaac and Rebecca’s Marriage
Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger 
Zionism: A Call To Awe And Compassion
Rabbi Justin David, socialaction.com 
The Miracle in Sarah’s Tent
Rabbi Adina Lewittes 
Praying in the Fields
Drew Kaplan, Canfei Nesharim 

From the Denominations

Pluralism and Outreach

Prayer: Service Of The Heart
Rabbi Bradley Artson, American Jewish University 
Abraham’s Second Wife
Rabbi Kerry Olitzky, Big Tent Judaism 
Memories of Mother
Rabbi Lewis Warshauer, Jewish Theological Seminary 
Revering Rebecca
David Kraemer, CLAL 
Sarah’s Legacy
Rabbi Raphael Wizman, Orthodox Union 
Valuing Kindness
Bernie Kimberg, UJA-Federation of New York

Family and Fun

Parshat Haye Sarah Quiz
Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies 
Parshat Haye Sarah Challah
Julie Seltzer 
Parshat Haye Sarah for Families
Torah Topics for Today
Honoring Parents
Torah Topics for Today
Reconciliation & Forgiveness
Torah Topics for Today

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