A Couple Who Could Use a Ketubah


I find ketubahs to be pretty non-romantic. They’re basically glorified prenuptial agreements, so it seems weird to paint flowers all over them and display them in your bedroom. But for some people, pre-nuptial agreements seem completely appropriate, and so for those people, I’m totally pro-ketubah. And by some-people, I mean Prince William and Kate Middleton.

A British-born Israeli artist has apparently made them a ketubah, and while normally I would consider that shlocky and dumb, in this case it seems right on the nose. If ever there was a marriage that should come with a pre-nup, it’s this one (sorry, but those royals don’t have the best track record). I recognize that this ketubah won’t hold up as a prenup, and in all likelihood the couple will never even lay eyes on the piece of artwork. But at least it kind of makes sense as a gift, which is not something one can say for most of what they’ll likely receive.

So, Will and Kate, mazel tov, and if it doesn’t end up lasting, divide your assets nicely, okay?


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