Chuck Norris and a Mezuzah


A little while ago we told you about Mezuzazine — an amazing little ‘zine about the strange and wonderful commandment from the

to put a mezuzah on the doorpost of your house.

Today David, the person behind Mezuzazine, sent me this in the email. It’s by far my favorite Chuck Norris Fact, and the latest in a line of urban legends about the action film star:

According to David, there are still 50 copies of the ‘zine available. They’re only $1, and all the remaining copies will come with this free Chuck mini-poster. (Not to mention a bunch of awesome articles, including a short story by me, an article by Rabbi Jason, and a feature by Daniel Sieradski’s mother.)

The zine (and the idea of putting up a mezuzah) cut across the spectrum of Jewish belief. But, really, it just shows you how cool and random and creative you can get with a specific mitzvah, even if you’re a 70-year-old (!!) action hero.

Email David at, or check out the website and get a copy of your own.


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