Real Live Learning Opportunities: Yeshivat Hadar and Limmud NY


Lots of things are great to do online. I love paying my bills online (well, maybe love is an overstatement), managing my writing online (baruch hashem for google docs), chatting with my friends online, and even doing much of my Jewish learning online. But the internet does have limits, and if you’re craving some more interactive learning, I can highly recommend both of the following:

Yeshivat Hadar–I was a fellow at the Yeshiva’s inaugural summer in 2007, and it was a truly life-changing experience. In addition to meeting my best friends, and becoming close with a community committed to traditional and egalitarian learning and davening, I gained access to texts that I had been told were off limits to me my whole life. It’s really an amazing place, and has the added bonus of being funded, so you can actually be paid money to learn. Here are the details:

Mechon Hadar is is now accepting applications for a range of fellowships and seminars, including for the summer 2011 session and the 2011-2012 year-round session of Yeshivat Hadar.  Mechon Hadar is an educational institution that seeks to empower a generation of Jews to create and sustain vibrant, practicing, egalitarian communities of Torah learning, prayer, and service. There are many ways to learn at Yeshivat Hadar:
·    Our 8-week summer fellowship (June 19-August 13, 2011)
·    Our year-round fellowship, with a special track for advanced learners, Amitim (September 6, 2011-May 19, 2012) Deadline to apply: February 1, 2011.
In addition to the summer fellowship, current college students are invited to apply for:
·    Our College Winter Learning Seminar (January 4-7, 2011 or January 10-13, 2011)
·     Matimidim (January 24-April 7, 2011)

Limmud NY
–I started going to Limmud NY when I lived in Nashville and didn’t have great access to Jewish learning in my day-to-day community. Now that I live in NY and work as a Jewish educator, I still love going to Limmud NY, where I can learn from a wide variety of teachers, meet amazing people, and relax in an old-school Catskills environment. Here are the details for Limmud:

Join over 800 Jews of diverse ages and backgrounds over MartinLuther King, Jr. Weekend (January 14-17, 2011) in celebrating the richdiversity of Jewish life, culture, and ideas. Choose from 300+ sessions offeredby leading Jewish thinkers, artists, public figures, educators and activists.
Some featured presenters include:
Abigail Pogrebin, Author of “Stars of David”
DovBer Pinson, Iyyun Center of Spirituality
Jay Michaelson, Founder of Nehirim
Joshua Nelson & Kosher Gospel Singers
Karina Zilberman & Coco, 92Y Shababa
Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi of Efrat, Ohr Torah Stone
Susan Weidman Schneider, Founder and Editor in Cheif of Lilith Magazine

REGISTER TODAY for Limmud NY 2011 in upstate New York at the Hudson Valley Resort!


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