Smoking Hot Semitic Tush


Jewesses are so hot right now. No, really. According to Details magazine, “Jewesses aren’t just the rage in the triple-X realm, either: They’re seducing goyim on Mad Men and Glee and giving movie geeks conniptions over reports of JILF-on-JILF action between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis in Darren Aronofsky’s upcoming Black Swan.”

Really?? JILF-on-JILF action? Oy vey.

You really really need to read this article now. If you’re not already convinced here’s a list of topics covered:JILF_Article_V_1.jpg
Judd Apatow’s all-Jewish Frat Pack
Jewish women as “cultural mutts”
Raunchy photos of religious Jews getting busy
Jewish porn stars
Rabbis telling their congregants to have sex on Shabbat
Non-Jews on JDate
Nudie Jewish girl calendars
A film called Dr. Suzy’s Porn & Purim DVD Bacchanal
The menorah-shaped dildo taboo

I am not making any of that stuff up. Go read the article. It’s offensive, flattering and enlightening at turns. And I have to say, my entirely unscientific opinion about all this is that Jewish girls have indeed becoming increasingly attractive to men of all kinds. Yay?


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