The Octopus Against the Dictator


Normally, in a battle of man vs. animal, I would take man. However, I wouldn’t bet against this animal, especially with its track record.

You wouldn’t expect Paul the Octopus to gain too many enemies. But after the German octopus correctly predicted eight consecutive World Cup matches, one Mahmoud Ahmadinejad decided that Paul wasn’t his cup of tea.

In an interview, the President of Iran said that Paul the Octopus was everything that was wrong with Western society. How dare you, sir! Just because we spend millions of dollars to train octopi so that they can be super duper smart, that does not mean that there is anything wrong with us.

Jimmy Kimmel seemed to find this whole ordeal pretty funny too. I guess he realized that it is weird that Ahmadinejad has given up on hating on the Jews and has moved on to sea creatures. Here is his spoof. Not to bring out any spoilers, but Paul might be one of us.


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