I have two dining room tables. Well, one of them is sitting in pieces in my closet because, really, who has space for two dining room tables.
The real reason that it is sitting in my closet is because I have terrible luck with Craigslist. I’ve never been able to sell anything on Craigslist. Especially this awesome table, that is in near perfect condition and am selling at 60% of its original price (contact me). So that’s why I find this story so fascinating.
A little while back, there was a robbery at the Young Israel of Phoenix. And among the stolen items was a . Beyond the fact that it is cruel to steal a Torah (what purpose would anyone have for a Torah other than to read from it), a Torah is really expensive. So for the synagogue to replace the item, they would have to spend a good amount of money.
Then someone from the came up with the ingenious idea of posting an ad on Craigslist offered a $500 reward in exchange for the stolen Torah. In the ad, they explained the religious value of the Torah to the synagogue. And lo and behold, it worked!
Someone called the synagogue claiming they had found the Torah in a garbage can and eventually returned it to the synagogue.
On that note, my dining room table has great religious meaning and value. Someone please take it.