Mumbai: breaking news, broken news

  • In the middle of the attacks, while trying to reach the Chabad rabbi, Rabbi Levi Shemtov dialed every number he had and actually spoke to one of the attackers.
  • The room was torn apart, and the bodies were excessively tortured before their deaths. The rebbetzin’s body was covered by a tallit, suggesting that she died first and her husband (or someone else) placed it there.
  • Some of the hostages may have been killed by Indian rescue forces.
  • Benzion Kruman, one of the victims, left behind several children (the youngest is 3 months old) and his wife, who currently have no means of supporting themselves. The community has set up a foundation for accepting donations on their behalf.
  • Wired covers the gadgets of the attacks, noting that “one of the gunmen seemed to be talking on a mobile phone even as he used his other hand to fire off rounds.”

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