Cloudy, with a Chance of Falafel


Movie titles translate differently into different cultures. There are all sorts of tangled idioms associated with different cultures. For instance, when I lived in Prague, the teen rom-com “She’s All That” was translated as “Takova Normalni Holka,” or “Such a Normal Girl.” It’s all to do with the subtleties and nuances of language.

The latest example of this is the new film (based on the awesome children’s book), Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, which, in Israel, is being marketed somewhat differently:

If you can’t read Hebrew, the title is “Cloudy with a Chance of Falafel.” No word yet whether the digital animation has actually replaced the meatballs with falafel, although the poster kind of looks like it. Or whether the sequel (the book’s sequel was called “Pickles over Pittsburgh”) has anything to do with hummus, harif, or mango chutney.

Hat tip to io9.


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