Hanukkah: Drinking On the Job


Being an editor at a Jewish blog has its perks. Sure, there are the long hours and lousy pay, but you get tons of review items in the mail. Usually they’re book-shaped or movie-shaped. The other day, we got a beer-shaped package.

I don’t know if you’ve ever had He’Brew Beer, which sounds like the sort of kitsch that your weird uncle would give as bulk Hanukkah gifts, but is actually an incredible-tasting microbrew from San Francisco. If you saw yesterday’s Jewniverse, you’d know. And you’d know about the incredible Jewbelation 14 — a blend of 14 malts, 14 hops, and 14 percent alcohol. Zowie!

(And, if you read this blog, you know that most of the MJL staff are women. Weirdly, only the boys were around that day. Two of our editors having babies in 2 weeks might have had something to do with it. But apparently beer is good for increasing your milk supply, so we’ll have to try this again once everyone’s respective maternity leaves are over.)


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Nazir 6

Seeing the editor's hand.

Chagigah 14

Four who enter pardes.
