As I write this, I am simultaneously:
1. Compulsively checking my email, Twitter, and Facebook.
2. Waiting for an “important” text message to determine my weekend plans
3. IMing with several co-workers
4. Flipping through Internet radio to find the perfect balance of “listenable, without requiring too much thought” music
I have, it seems, a fantasy of reaching some sort of technological nirvana – by hitting “refresh”one more time I’ll suddenly become “one with the universe” (or at least the Twitterverse.) I may consciously know that Facebook would be fine and hum along without me, but — what if I miss a funny picture of a cat?? I’m a classic case of being desperately in need of an opportunity to disconnect.
is a great opportunity to hit the technology “off” switch (in my case, more of a dimmer switch). NEXT: A Division of Birthright Israel Foundation has partnered with Reboot for NEXT Shabbat 360, as part of Reboot’s National Day of Unplugging to help slow down lives in an increasingly hectic world. They must have had me in mind.
For 24 hours beginning the evening of Friday, March 23rd , thousands of people around the country will “unplug.” NEXT Shabbat will help cover the cost of 360 Shabbat meals that weekend. For those of you who have been on a Taglit-Birthright Israel trip, Shabbat 360 is a great way to unplug – electronically, mentally, physically, whatever! – by bringing together friends for a Shabbat meal, your way. From chicken in Chatanooga to jachnun in Jackson Hole, there’s no wrong way to celebrate Shabbat – especially when you’re celebrating alongside 359 other NEXT Shabbat meals that same weekend.
So? Sign up here! Celebrate! Unplug! A one-day detox from my TV, phone, iPad and “teh interwebz” is exactly what I need.
Now, if you’ll excuse me – I have to post this on Twitter.