Adventures of Todd & God: How to Go Green


When we last saw Todd & God, they were throwing down some cool house tunes while putting up a mezuzah. But if you thought that was the last you saw of that crazy odd couple, you were wrong. Dead wrong.

In this episode of Todd & God, God appears before Todd in the form of former Vice President Al Gore to teach Todd the Jewish values of being environmentally conscious. Which brings me up to another point before you go on and watch the video. In the Bible, when God appears before his prophets, it is usually in the form of a dream. The main exception to this rule was, of course, Moses whom God spoke with directly.

Do you see where I’m going? Is Todd the reincarnation of Moses? Is Todd a prophet? Will Todd lead us to redemption? Will the next episode feature Todd hitting a rock while complaining about his followers? Did I just blow your mind?

No? Well, watch the video anyways.


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