Queering Your Seder: LGBTQ Haggadot


Passover is fast approaching, which means it’s time to prepare to lead, or participate in, a seder. It can be a of lot of work – and anxiety – leading a seder that’s meaningful for everyone. But an interesting, thought-provoking, relevant, and inclusive
can make all the difference!

Here’s a selection of LGBTQ haggadot that can be easily downloaded and brought to your seder table. While all of these resources provide lots of LGBTQ material, some may be more appropriate for your seder. If you’re interested in crafting your own seder, consider any haggadah designed to be “open source,” which will easily allow you to skip or add sections. If you’re looking for a more conventional seder that simply includes LGBTQ content, look for a haggadah that describes itself as “traditional.”

If you use any of them, let us know how it went.

The Stonewall Seder
 is the result of several reinterpretations of a ritual originally designed for Gay and Lesbian Pride weekend. Now it’s a full seder, developed by a committee of laypeople at B’nai Jeshurun in New York City. Read the “user’s manual” and some historical background here.




Developed by JQ International in collaboration with Hebrew Union College’s Institute for Judaism & Sexual Orientation, the
JQ International G
LBT Passover Haggadah
integrates LGBTQ Passover traditions within the spirit of the traditional Passover experience, including an LGBTQ-specific seder plate, the four LGBTQ children, the Prophetess Miriam’s Cup, and much more.


Ma Nishtana: A Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Ally Haggadah follows the traditional structure of the Passover Seder but contains readings and discussion questions pertaining to LGBTQ identity and life.






Creative Commons/Rachel Barenblat

Rabbi Rachel Barenblat’s haggadah – also known as
The Velveteen Rabbi’s Haggadah for Pesach
 – is a thorough resource all on its own, but as an “open source haggadah,” you, as a reader or participant, are encouraged to help write it anew each year by adding your own material.

Still not sure that these haggadot are right for you? Try making your own! Head over to haggadot.com to assemble various sections into a haggadah that works perfectly for your seder! There’s an entire section of LGBTQ resources you can include.

Plus, you can join in the work on The Neverending Haggadah – “the world’s largest crowd-sourced haggadah!” Add your story to the growing number of modern twists on an ancient tale.


April 7, 2015 | Colorado:
Keshet’s Queer Seder
Want the full LGBTQ Passover experience? Join us in Denver for our annual Queer Seder. This event combines a traditional seder experience with exciting and creative new traditions.


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How To Choose a Passover Haggadah

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