Yesterday, I joined Jdate. My boyfriend was there, and we gleefully created a profile together. The profile was for my best friend.
Here’s what you need to know about my best friend: He is very handsome, ivy-league educated, in medical school, Nice Jewish Boy, and hilarious. He would prefer to date a lady who is observant-ish, and politically liberal.
In the past he has gone out with lots of girls, few of whom turned out to be particularly mentally stable. I am not 100% positive that JDate is the place to go if you’re looking to have your faith in sanity restored, but we’re giving it a shot.
We’ve been on JDate for all of 36 hours and I am immediately spotting some major flaws:
Why can’t you screen for particular things? We would like to search for politically left girls who fall into the blue color code. Also we would like to block the population of girls who only go to on the High Holidays. Why isn’t this easy to do?
The match function is a huge load of bullshit. You like going to bars/nightclubs? So do these 550 girls in your zip code. Amazing.
Everyone loves to laugh, is laid back, and loves their family. Part of me immediately likes girls who don’t include any of these clichés, and part of me wonders if they are actually very serious people who are high strung and hate their families.
It is remarkably easy to google stalk some of these women. Don’t include your first name, and the name and year of the small liberal arts college you graduated from unless you’re okay with us finding you on facebook.
Come on, creators of JDate. You must be rolling in dough. How about rolling out some basic changes to your site?
And PS–if you know someone who my best friend should go out with, email me!