I Beg to Differ with Heeb


Daniel’s off today, so I’m filling in for him. It’s a Friday, so I figured I’d share something of a lighter nature.

I was reading Heeb Magazine a week ago and came across their list entitled “The Best Fifty Foods in the Whole Wide World.” Being a huge fan of both lists and food, I studied the Fifty in detail for potential new culinary delights selected by other fairly young Jews. I was intrigued by entry #3:

Michel Cluizel Noir Infini 99%

Godiva is for your mother-in-law. Michel Cluizel is for your dominatrix. Drink a shot of tequila with each bite and release the deepest and densest strains of dark chocolate ever experienced. Crack is less addictive.

I sampled Noir Infini this past weekend (sans tequila and dominatrix), and, while not speaking from experience, posit that crack may in fact also be less vile tasting. After just one bite I had to run to the nearest market so I could wash out the taste with a bar of Hershey’s. Granted, Noir is an extremely dark chocolate, so it was to be assumed that it was almost totally devoid of sugar, but who could possibly eat something so bitter?

That being said, the list is varied and interesting, and there are several compelling items that I plan to try when I get the chance… in LA, Heeb recommends the Combo Special at Cham Sut Gol Korean BBQ, Double-Double at In-n-Out Burger and the Dodger Dog at Dodger Stadium (note: many, if not most of the items on the list aren’t kosher).

You can find the list in the latest issue of Heeb.

By the way, this week, Daniel and I will be representing MJL, along with Josh Gershman, our Marketing Associate, at the annual United Jewish Communities General Assembly in Los Angeles. We’ll be intermittently posting our thoughts. If you’re also attending the GA, why not stop by our booth and meet us? If you sign up in person for our mailing list, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a new 8 GB Apple iPod Nano!


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