Jewish Parenting


What should you do when your son refuses to go to Hebrew school? Or when your daughter asks you about God? Should you teach your children about the Holocaust?

Jewish parenting is full of special challenges and opportunities. Wouldn’t it be helpful to share thoughts and ideas with other parents?

Discussion boards have sprung up all over the web to provide support for Jewish parents. Here’s a sampling of discussion boards for Jewish parents:

MJL’s Daily Life & Practice discussion board regularly hosts parenting discussions, like this one.

Also, click here to see MJL’s collection of articles on Jewish parenting.


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Jewish Tradition and the Lifecycle

Jewish lifecycle rituals reflect a communal orientation, the democratic nature of traditions, the relationship between the biological and the social, and the inevitability of evolution and change.

Orthodox Judaism and LGBTQ Issues

Efforts to make the community more compassionate have stopped short of sanctioning gay relationships.

Single Motherhood and Artificial Insemination

Despite some legal and ethical concerns, single women should not be prohibited from becoming pregnant with donor sperm.
