This Shtetl Ain’t Big Enough for the Two of Us…


In the mood for an old-fashioned Yiddish Western?

Click here to watch a short film called The Cowboy. 

Here’s some background on this unique Western from the National Center for Jewish Film:

Yes, it’s just your typical all-Yiddish shoot-’em-up: a small boy falls out of a covered wagon on its way West and shows up years later as a quick trigger cowboy. When he is unjustly accused of theft, a gunfight breaks out to the strains of “Oyfn Pripitchik.” This spoof was made [in 1968] by adding a Yiddish dialogue to the Son of Oklahoma, a 1932 Hollywood Western.

Subtitles provided.

Thanks to alterkoker on our Culture discussion board for bringing this to our attention.


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