Purim Fun Round-up


Purim’s coming and it’s time to have some fun!

Here are some terrific websites with lots of activities for kids: 

  • Toratots offers information about Purim celebrations around the world as well greeting cards, a Purim story (With a virtual grogger that goes off everytime you put your mouse over the word “Haman”!), coloring pages, games, a Purim shpiel and more.
  • Babaganewz‘s Purim Central has Purim Mad Libs, as well as mask templates, Purim ecards, a costume maker (think virtual paper dolls), Holiday Jewpardy and special Purim movies.
  • Are your kids planning great costumes? Enter them in the Chabad Kids! online costume contest. Chabad Kids! also has Purim videos, songs and stories, fun holiday games and puzzles, special Purim arts and crafts and kid-friendly Purim recipes.
  • Encourage your kids act out the Purim story with the fun Purim Play from Akhlah. The Akhlah Purim page also has Purim traditions, vocabulary, blessings, and recipes, as well as a Children’s Megillah, a quiz and a Purim timeline.

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