Women of the Tribe


March is Jewish Women’s History Month. But really, shouldn’t every month be Jewish Women’s History Month? Every day of every week of every month there are innumerable accomplishments to celebrate.

That’s why the Jewish Women’s Archive developed This Week in History–a web feature that highlights the historical impact of Jewish women.

This week’s profiles include a Songwriter, a Madame, and the creator of a Great American Icon. Take this opportunity to learn more about the women of the tribe.


Discover More

Jewish Women in Focus

Celebrating women's history, one month at a time.

Women Rabbis: A History of the Struggle for Ordination

While the Reform movement was theoretically in favor of women's ordination as far back as 1922, it was not until 50 years later that the first women was ordained as a rabbi in North America.

Ethiopian Women in Israel

How the lives of Ethiopian Beta Israel women changed when they made aliyah to Israel.
