What to Wear


Long gone are the days when standard Jewish attire was a streimel or a sheitl. Today’s Jewish hipster can’t afford to be seen without a clever, ironic t-shirt.

Don’t want to date non-Jews but find it awkward to ask about religion? Send the message loud and clear with That’s Jewtastic’s “I only date circumcised boysâ€? t-shirt.

Born to be wild? Warn the world with Shtetlwear’s “Wilde Chaya� t-shirt (Yiddish for “wild animal).

Crazy for commentary? Café Press offers a “Rashi Rocks� t-shirt.

Rotemgear asks: “What would Rambam do?�

But more importantly…what would his t-shirt say?

Check out all these sites for many more designs, or create your own. 


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