A Domestic Jewish Agenda for 2008


Jewish Funds for Justice asks: If you could talk to the presidential candidates, what would you tell them?

Jewish Funds for Justice, the only national Jewish organization solely committed to fighting the injustice of poverty in America, is giving you an opportunity to express your own domestic Jewish agenda to the candidates.

You preference five issues out of the ten they have chosen: child care, civil rights, education, environment, health care, housing, immigration, Katrina/Rita, seniors, and wages.

After the votes come in, JFSJ will calculate the top five issues and send a letter to every presidential campaign asking the candidates how they will address these issues. Candidate responses will be posted on the JFSJ websites.

What does JFSJ hope to achieve with this innovative project? The Jewish Week reports:

“We wanted to give the average Jew a role in shaping the domestic Jewish agenda for the 2008 elections,â€? said Mik Moore, the public policy director of the group…“While there are a lot of Jewish organizations that get to sit down with the presidential candidates and tell them what they want, or what they think the Jewish community wants, for a lot of Jews those meetings aren’t representative of their interests.â€?

Domestic issues, he said, have gotten “short shrift� as more and more candidates focus on the big-ticket issue of Israel and as more Jewish organizations shift to an agenda heavily skewed toward international concerns.

For more information, or to vote, click here.


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