Where Things Stand

  • Reservists who fought in the Lebanon war, now a year later, give a more nuanced view of their experiences. Includes links to 4 other articles on Where Things Stand. (The Jerusalem Post)
  • Two looks at the tense place which is Hebron, the first looking just at Jewish Hebron, the second at the “shared despairâ€? of the city as a whole. (Haaretz & The Washington Post)
  • What, according to Gideon Levy is “The most sacred site to Israelisâ€? (hint: it’s not the Western Wall or the Cave of the Patriarchs). (Haaretz)
  • The Reform movement attacks a proposed Israeli law that would prevent JNF lands (which are quire extensive) from being sold or rented to Israeli Arabs. “It’s very hard to imagine any circumstance where a Jewish minority in any Diaspora country would accept with equanimity a bill that would forbid Jews from purchasing land,â€? said Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the Union for Reform Judaism. (The Forward)

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