Semen, Cremation & Carbs


-Does Jewish law permit the removal of semen from a deceased man in order for his widow to bear his child? (The Schlesinger Institute for Jewish Medical Ethics)

-A look at the variety of synagogue practices with regard to the burial of intermarried couples:

Cleveland Jewish News

-How can you text-message “expressing sorrow and an apology for not being able to be at the funeral�? (Haaretz)

-Bereaved Israeli families are beginning to use a variety of nontraditional means (interactive Web sites, unusual tombstones, singalong funerals) to keep alive the memory of their loved ones. (Haaretz)

-Immediately after a Haredi paper publishes the exact location of a crematoria, it sustains major damage in a fire. (Haaretz)

-And the locals, including non-religious Jews, are also unhappy with the crematoria. (The Jerusalem Post)

-And Shas would like to make cremation illegal in Israel:

-But Yoram Kaniuk wants the right to be cremated: “I do not want a grave. I do not wish to rob two meters of the Land of Israel’s soil from people who will be alive later.â€? (Ynet)

-Death and carbs. (Haaretz)


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