In the News


-American synagogues, kosher slaughter houses and Jewish schools may be finding it much harder to hire Israelis. (The Jerusalem Post)

-The case is made “that religion is not primarily about God, but about the human need for the sacred.” (Prospect Magazine)

-A fierce battle over the leadership–and the existence–of an Arab oriented middle school in NYC splits prominent Jews and organizations. (The Jewish Week)

-With two sharply opposing books coming out–“The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” (Walt and Mearsheimer) and “The Deadliest Lies: The Israel Lobby and the Myth of Jewish Control (Foxman)–the topic of the Israel lobby will likely be more in the public eye. (Haaretz)

Human Rights Watch has accused Hezbollah movement of committing war crimes during the 2006 Second Lebanon War, by “firing indiscriminately and in some cases deliberately at civilians and civilian structures, in violation of international humanitarian law.” (Haaretz)
-The Jews-and-the-Armenian-Genocide question heats up:


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Is the PA Disbanding?

GAZA TURMOIL: Danny Rubinstein noting that “recent events we have been witnessing in Gaza are actually the disbanding of Palestinian ...

More Walt & Mearsheimer

I just received Farrar, Straus, & Giroux’s preview of its Fall 2007 books, and Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer’s The ...

Prisoner Swap With Hezbollah

In Lebanon, Hezbollah uses the swap to argue that the war had a positive outcome. (Haaretz)Uzi Benziman argues that a ...
