I’m too poor to daven these days.


From Craig’s List via Gawker:

Come celebrate the Jewish New Year and Day of Atonement with New York’s most elite Jews. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Governor Elliot Spitzer, DA Robert Morganthau and Top Wall Street Executives, to name a few…

I have 2 tickets to both of the following events:

Rosh Hashanah September 13, 2007
Yom Kippur September 22, 2007

These tickets are only given to members of Congregation Emanu-El and if you weigh the membership dues against the low, low price of $150 per ticket in section C; you are making out with the best deal of the season. Take a look at what the members pay:

Per Seat Section
$1,290 A
$1,100 B
$960 C
$710 D

Remember 5769 only happens once, why not celebrate at one of the most beautiful houses of worship in the world?

From Ynet:

Miami synagogue seats go for $1.8 million

Conservative Miami Beach synagogue auctions off two lifetime front row seats on eBay. Rabbi says auction aimed at gaining attention of Jews who are disconnected from their faith (MORE)

Also from Ynet:

Reserved synagogue seats going for $50,000

Major discrepancies reported in prices charged by synagogues from tourists, Israelis ahead of High Holidays (MORE)


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