An Original Hipster


Jennifer Bleyer, founding editor of Heeb Magazine, has an essay on the continued meaning that the Jewish Catalog has for her and many of a younger generation. What she beautifully captures is the essence of a book that did what few initatives in the Jewish community have done–be relatable.

Richard Siegel, author of the catalog and former director of what is now the Foundation for Jewish Culture, says “People were searching for some access to a meaningful Jewish experience. This just opened up a world for them.” (MORE)

From articles on making your own shofar to a do-it-yourself tour of the Lower East Side, the catalog approaches Judaism in an innovative manner that has remained, well, timeless. 

Bleyer write, “The Catalog conveyed basic information on Judaism in a non-judgmental, folksy tone, as if it had been written by a patient friend.”

As we learn from fashion, retro is always cool and certain things never go out of style.  And dogearred copies of the Jewish Catalog will likely always have a spot on many bookshelves across the country.


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