Why? Why? Why?


-Why is it that “young Israelis are fighting for the chance to work as pickers throughout the country’s kibbutzimâ€? even though apple picking season in Israel has a “frenzied pace … exhausting work that barely pays minimum wageâ€? — and sometimes not even that. (Ynet)

-Why are Crocs “the new Jew shoe� (J.)

-Why does the Israel Nature and Parks Authority “have to rack its brains to find a way for the� cyclamen flower “to bloom in August …instead of in winter�? (Ynet)

-Why is Harvard Professor of Armenian studies James Russell, a gay Jew and staunch Zionist, “reviled by Turks and Armenians alike�? (The Forward)

-Why do some Los Angeles Jews detest Jimmy Carter for reasons having nothing to do with the Palestinians? (Jewish Journal)


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