Why? Why? Why?


-Why is it that “young Israelis are fighting for the chance to work as pickers throughout the country’s kibbutzimâ€? even though apple picking season in Israel has a “frenzied pace … exhausting work that barely pays minimum wageâ€? — and sometimes not even that. (Ynet)

-Why are Crocs “the new Jew shoe� (J.)

-Why does the Israel Nature and Parks Authority “have to rack its brains to find a way for the� cyclamen flower “to bloom in August …instead of in winter�? (Ynet)

-Why is Harvard Professor of Armenian studies James Russell, a gay Jew and staunch Zionist, “reviled by Turks and Armenians alike�? (The Forward)

-Why do some Los Angeles Jews detest Jimmy Carter for reasons having nothing to do with the Palestinians? (Jewish Journal)


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The Media on the Media

-Although Israeli-Arabs make up 19% of the population, their representation in the media stands at only 1%. For example in ...

Negotiating Peace

Reviewing the efforts of Carter, Jerome M. Segal argues that while “Hamas has indeed said it will never recognize Israel, ...

Syria and the North

Pointing out that “The Golan … has been Israeli for 40 years, double the time it was in Syria’s hands..… ...
