Is a half a bible better than nothing?


I’ve never been a big fan of The View. Mostly because I’m sitting on a train every time the show airs. However, I am sad that I missed yesterday’s episode. According to New York Magazine, new host Sheri Shepherd shared her view on the events of world history:

During a discussion about the Greek philosopher Epicurus (341 B.C.–270 B.C.), the following debate popped up among a lot of cross chatter:

Whoopi: Keep in mind probably when he was around there was no Jesus going on.
Sherri: No, they had Christians back then.
[Cross talk]
Sherri: They had Christians, they threw them to the lions.
[Cross talk]
Whoopi: I think this might predate that.
Joy: They believed in polytheism.
Sherri: I don’t think anything predated Christians.
Joy: No, the ancient Greeks were earlier. It went Greeks, Romans, then Christians.
Sherri: Jesus came first before them.
Whoopi: [Gently, bless her] Not on paper. (MORE)

I guess it’s possible that her copy of the bible has pages two through, let’s say, Old Testament ripped out: “In the beginning, there was…Jesus.”


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