Ziv Tzedakah Fund to Close


For more than 25 years, Danny Siegel, aka the Mitzvah Man, has been distributing money to little-known tzedakah projects primarily in Israel through the Ziv Tzedakah Fund.

He also frequently lectures about the small-time “Mitzvah Heroes” of the world, whose good actions and kindness have made a big impact. In response to why people should do good, he always replies “Why not?”

So it’s with sadness that I found out the the Ziv Tzedakah Fund will be shut down by the end of next year.

As Washington Jewish Week reported, Siegel said “Ziv Tzedakah has just become too large and complicated to sustain in its present form.” (MORE)

Ziv traditionally received many small donations and was also committed to supporting small ventures. Both its donors and recepients will definitely feel its absence.


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