

Last week, I blogged about the closing of the Ziv Tzedakah Fund. Today I received this letter from their Israel representative, who put into perspective the transition.

As the year comes to a close and we think of endings and beginnings, I think his attitude is an outstanding way to look at change in the Jewish community and in life.

From all of us at MyJewishLearning, we wish your and your family a happy and healthy 2008:

Thank you for taking the time to write about ziv, even if it is under ‘sad’ circumstances. i am arnie draiman, the ziv tzedakah fund representative in israel. i have known and worked with danny for over 30 years.

i believe you had a chance to read danny’s letter (it was linked to your article below). instead of sadness, we are trying to look at it as joy. happiness. the simcha of doing mitzvahs. danny has done and has been responsible for hundreds of thousands (dare i say millions?) of mitzvahs. this is a momentous, happy occasion.

danny is retiring after 35 years or so. he deserves the opportunity to pursue the same and other ventures. and danny’s talmidim are already beginning to stand up and create new tzedakah funds to fill in where ziv has been.

this ‘event’ will actually do more for the world of tzedakah than anyone could’ve imagined. danny has taught tens of thousands of people about tikkun olam. and now, these people (no longer being able to rely on ziv) will rise to the challenge.

and so, we will lose ziv, but we will be gaining dozens of ziv “babies”….and when a baby is born, it is a joyous event.

and finally, meredith, i am still around. all of the great work that ziv and danny have been doing in israel isn’t fading away. it will continue.


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