Obama and the Jews…Again


It seems the campaign to paint Barack Obama as a candidate that’s bad for the Jews/Israel is not over. I got an email today urging me to forward Marc Zell’s anti-Obama editorial in today’s Jerusalem Post.

This despite the well-publicized conference call with Jewish reporters a few weeks back, in which he tried to respond to the allegations that he is hostile to Jewish concerns.

Zell’s article also plays the Muslim card, albeit in a more subtle way.

“Less than two weeks before the critical primary elections in Ohio and Texas,” Zell writes, “Democratic voters have made it very clear: Barack Hussein Obama is for real.”

It’s nice of Zell to remind us of Obama’s middle name. But you might not be surprised to learn that when Zell gets around to discussing John McCain, he doesn’t mention the Republican’s middle name (Sidney, by the way).

I don’t have a problem with someone arguing against Obama’s candidacy, but I do have a problem with appealing to Jewish fears about Islam. It’s unbecoming for the writer and the audience.


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