Israel’s Government


-David Kimche makes the case for Tzipi Livni taking over leadership of Israel. (The Jerusalem Post)

-Nehemia Shtrasler argues that Israel’s budget situation is becoming chaotic, with no controls at all on spending proposals. (Haaretz)

-In reviewing 6 books related to Zionism, Geoffrey Wheatcroft makes the case that “Israel today has the purest Jabotinskian government yet seen�, but notes that “Jabotinsky’s intellectual honesty was always a challenge to the evasion or denial of other Zionists, and yet he too was a Luftmensch.� (Times Online)

-Jeremy Sharon argues that just as “Neville Chamberlain finally resigned … due to the disastrous direction his policies had taken the country�, so must Olmert. (Ynet)


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The infamous story of the prophet with the talking donkey demonstrates the Bible's awareness that powers of divination were not limited to Israelite seers.
