Obama and the Jews


-David Horovitz argues that “McCain is plainly grappling with how best to confound the Islamists’ ambitions. In Philadelphia, it must be said, Obama wasn’t really trying.â€? (The Jerusalem Post)

-While noting that Obama “eloquently highlighted his distinctive, patriotic message of self-awareness, self-criticism and reconciliation�, Gil Troy notes, “He never confronted Jeremiah Wright. He sat silently by as the United Church of Christ to which he belongs passed a resolution advocating divestment from Israel.� (Israel Insider)

-Ali Abunimah expresses his disappointment about Obama moving from being “forthright in his criticism of US policy and his call for an even-handed approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict� to a “shift into the AIPAC camp.� (Electronic Intifada)

-Rob Eshman sets forth why many Jews are still uneasy with Obama. (Jewish Journal)

-Andrew Silow-Carroll is “intrigued by what the Obama-Wright affair has to say about relationships with our clergy. To what degree are any of us responsible for or implicated in whatever is said from the pulpit and beyond?� (J.)

-And Daphne Ziman sets forth her concerns, which center very much on the church headed by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, with William Ayers, Rashid Khalidi, and the Arab American Action Network. (Jewish Journal)

-But former congressman Mel Levine finds Obama’s record of supporting Israel to be demonstrably solid. (Jewish Journal)

-Edwin Black, noting that “Many critics have long self-censored on Obama’s hate links, even among the Jewish community� says �the real question is how a man described by many as a leading anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-white agitator became one of Obama’s mentors?� (The Cutting Edge News)


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