The World of Jewish Education


-Photojournalist Zion Ozeri believes in using photography to teach Jewish values. (NJ Jewish Standard)

-The Center for Online Jewish studies has prepared 25 chapter curriculum and education resource guides, on topics as diverse as Music after the Holocaust, Jewish Lobbying, Jews and Migration, Influencing Culture, The Sense of Belonging, Judaism Americanized, and Prayer and Politics. (COJS)

-Baltimore’s four Reform congregations are combining to establish a citywide Reform supplemental high school program, offering evening classes for students from eighth through 12th grades. (Baltimore Jewish Times)

-At California colleges, Jewish studies is on the rise, aided by some major donations. (Jewish Journal)

-The Los Angeles area has 14 Jewish high schools, and now “more teens in Los Angeles are now enrolled in full-time Jewish education than in supplementary Jewish education.� The schools provide a remarkably broad range of sizes and religious orientation. (Jewish Journal)


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