Looking for a haggadah for your seder? We’ve got you covered.
Tamar Fox at Jewcy has five helpful hints, my favorite being “Mix and Match.” One of the best seders I’ve ever been to had more than 30 haggadot laid out on the dinner table. People could take whichever ones they wanted and chimed into to the seder whenever they had something interesting from their haggadot to add. It kept the pace lively and the whole evening very interactive.
The Velveteen Rabbi (recently names one of the top 25 blogs by Time Magazine) has made her newly revised haggadah available online, as does the Reb Zalman Legacy Project and Barry Pollisar–the writer of many songs from Juno.
For kids, Uncle Eli’s Haggadah is done is poem form.
And for the snarky bunch, Slate has a 2-minute version. Better eat fast.
Pronounced: SAY-der, Origin: Hebrew, literally “order”; usually used to describe the ceremonial meal and telling of the Passover story on the first two nights of Passover. (In Israel, Jews have a seder only on the first night of Passover.)