Muslims and Jews


-As Jewish-Muslim interfaith efforts intensify, critics say that Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is selective in which acts of terrorism it condemns. Some wish to forge ahead in Muslim-Jewish ties without CAIR. (The Jewish Week)

-New York’s largest and most prestigious mosque, the Cultural Center of New York, gets a new Imam who has been involved with interfaith dialogues with HUC-JIR and JTS. (The Jewish Week)

-Although cautioning that “We should not kiss every hand extended to us, nor expect every initiative to be successful� Rabbi Alan Brill argues, “American Jews who fail to see an immediate purpose to any interfaith encounter with Islam must remember that dialogue is a long-term process. They should also know that extremists on either side are not part of dialogue; rather, dialogue aims to remove the ground from beneath extremists.� (NJ Jewish News)

-Villagers in the Galilee Arab-Israeli town A-Taibeh have painted the dome of their mosque in Israel’s national colors, blue and white. (Haaretz)


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From Golden to Grim: Jewish Life in Muslim Spain

The complex political situation in Muslim Spain impacted Jewish social and cultural life there.

Jewish Language and Poetry

Arabic was the spoken and written tongue of the Jews in the medieval Muslim empire, a fact that encouraged cultural exchange and the development of new forms for Hebrew poetry.

Jewish Education in Muslim Lands

In Muslim countries, Jewish boys learned the whole range of Jewish and secular subjects.
