The Syria Update


Jonathan Spyer explains why Syria is in no particular hurry to reach a deal with Israel. (Jerusalem Post)

Zvi Bar’el makes the case that “the Israeli-Syrian conflict will need to be given priority over any other track.” (Ha’aretz)

Would peace with Syria make it possible to run a water pipeline from Turkey, through Syria to replenish Lake Kinneret? (Jerusalem Post)

In order to strengthen its hand in negotiations with Israel, Syria will be vying with Egypt for influence over the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

If Hezbollah were to install advanced anti-aircraft batteries, “this would cause significant problems for Israeli overflights. And that in turn would score domestic points for the organization, justifying its refusal to disarm.â€? (Ha’aretz, YNet)

Syria conquered a few small enclaves of Israeli territory during the War of Independence, and the 1949 armistice agreements reflected this reality. The difference between that (which would give access to the Kinneret) and the international border which Israel points to could loom large as an obstacle. (Ha’aretz)


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