Rock the Vote 5769!


These Presidential elections sure do go on for a while.  Sometimes, I say, “Why can’t the US just be like Canada.  Call an election and in a couple of weeks, it’ll be over.”  Because of Canadian election regulations, Canadian parties do not have the resources to drag out a long campaign.  If you want to get a better understanding of Canadian election regulations, you can check them out here.

This past week, the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, called an election for October 14th.  But wait!  Isn’t that *gasp* the first day of Sukkot?  Clearly, someone forgot to check the Jewish Calendar.  Talk about discounting the Jewish vote.

What surprises me more is that Canadian Jews aren’t throwing more of a fit.  B’nai Brith Canada’s official opinions on the matter are that the situation is “regrettable” but “understandable.” (Financial Post)

Seriously?  The election couldn’t have been a day earlier or two days later?


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