Education in Israel


Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of the Revisionist movement in Zionism, has been excluded from the list of 100 personages studied at Israeli schools. Na’ama Sheffi disagrees. (Ha’aretz)

Less than half of Israeli 17-year-olds are eligible to receive a matriculation certificate. The Jewish sector figure was 51.8 percent, with the Arab sector at 35.6 percent.

In the Haredi system, system, where few students even take the exams, the rate of eligibility was 21.7 percent, lower than the Bedouin 31 percent. But, in a new article, David Herz suggests getting rid of the matriculation exam altogether. (Jerusalem Post)


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Education in Israel

Israel has a comprehensive public education system from early childhood through adulthood.

Ze’ev Jabotinsky

Zionist leader and founder of the Zionist Revisionist movement.


“And I want to say something to you on this day, the Ninth of Av: Those who will succeed in ...
