Fringes for Free


Do you live in the New York metropolitan area? Have you ever thought about wearing tzitzit? Try it out here — somebody’s giving away a bunch of “gently worn” prayer shawls on Craigslist. It’s a great opportunity to jump risk-free into that wacky world of religious fashion…and, more to the point, you get to meet whatever kind of wacky and randomly generous person would post up their old tzitzit on a website.


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Fringed With Faith

The tzitzit (fringes) and tallit (prayer shawl) serve as physical reminders of our connections with previous generations and of the faith that sustained them and us.

Wrapping Myself in the Fringes

This was the d’var Torah (discourse) I gave at the Jewish service on Friday night at the Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference, ...

Ask the Expert: Tzitzit Hanging Out

Why do some people tuck them in, and others let them hang free?
