Rosh Hashana in Antarctica


A couple of days ago, we received this email:

I am a Jew working in Antarctica as part of the US Antarctica Program. Are there any online HHD services that I can watch or other online ways to join other Jews in worship during Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur? Thanks for helping out.

We’ve been getting a lot of requests to find High Holiday services (and High Holiday dinners, for that matter). Usually, we refer people to the always-reliable Chabad site for services in far-flung areas, or give them our fave picks (mine is Simon Jacobson’s sure-to-be-wildly insightful Meaningful Life center in the East Village) — but when you get a request like this, how could you not dive in?

Here’s what we found:

  • Temple Israel in Miami will broadcast an audio version of their service for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. (Although it might not be the best experience for you, picturing a breezy, tropical congregation right next to the beach…)
  • Also, Temple Beth El in Charlotte will air a video of their Yom Kippur night service.
  • Lastly, this might not work at all, or it might totally work. Temple Emanu-El in New York City will be recording all services and then posting them online later during the holiday. The person we spoke to said that she isn’t sure whether it’ll be a few hours later or a few days — but maybe by the time it’s Erev Rosh Hashanah in your time zone, it’ll be up?

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