Israel and Iran Make Nice Over Sick Kid


An Iranian child with a brain tumor will be in Israel with his family for two weeks while he undergoes treatment at the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer.  Though Israel usually doesn’t allow Iranians into the country (Iran is an enemy state) the family got special authorization from Israeli Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit.  Ynet reports that Sheetrit explained, “We are the light upon the nations, and when a child’s life is at stake religion and origin play no part…If we can help, we are more than willing to do so.”

It’s a small step, but still a good one.  Plus it reminds me of a great episode of The West Wing when President Bartlett has to decide whether to let the son of an Iranian leader into America for an emergency transplant surgery, and then has to convince a Persian-American surgeon to perform the surgery.  You can watch the episode here.

Why is it that everyone can agree to help really sick kids, but not to sit down at a table and talk about ways to prevent healthy kids from dying in a war?


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