Lists, Lists, and More Lists


Damn you Forward 50 and Heeb 100. Look what you have done.

First there is the MJL Million (no need to apply, the list has been filled) now this:

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg is starting a list of his Top 50 Goyim.

It isn’t a yearly list, I don’t think. And if it is, Goldberg needs to wake up and realize that Harry Truman is dead.

I have some nominations for Goldberg, if he is taking them.

1) Louis the Doorman. Great smile, even in the morning.

2) The nurse who took care of me that time I got dehydrated.

3) Steve Carell. God that guy’s funny.

I’d nominate more people but there are only 50 spots and I want other people to have a chance.


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