It’s All AgriProcessors All the Time


Over at Jewcy they’re running another Rubashkin themed story by failedmessiah Shmarya Rosenberg, and featuring an old post of mine, A Half-Hearted Defense of Agriprocessors. And amazingly, the Village Voice has the best feature-length story I’ve read about the scandal. It’s called The Fall of the House of Rubashkin and it’s well worth a read. The Jew & the Carrot covers the email that’s been going around the frum community encouraging the defense of the Rubashkins.

Considering how long ago this scandal began unraveling (May 12th) it’s amazing (and indicative of just how scandalous it is) that it’s still a hot topic.


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Go with Gilgamesh, but lose the animal livers.

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We no longer need there to be unchosen children.
