Rothschild Fellows Program


A friend recently passed on info about this new program designed for social entrepreneurs with an interest in fostering mutual respect and dialogue between Jews and Muslims.

Here are the details:

An initiative of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation, the Ariane de Rothschild Fellows Program: Dialogue & Social Entrepreneurship is a new, innovative program designed for social entrepreneurs with an interest in fostering a culture of mutual respect and dialogue among Jewish and Muslim communities.

Delivered in partnership with Columbia Business School and Cambridge University, this 2-week program blends three educational components:

* an innovative and action-driven social entrepreneurship program
* training in cross-cultural dialogue and leadership
* exposure to state-of-the-art scholarship

Application Criteria

Acceptance to the program is by application only. Selected Fellows will be invited to the program in New York City in July 2009, inclusive of travel, lodging and some meals. Application criteria include:

* Social entrepreneurs who have already created their organization and are engaged in the early stages of development (one to four years) and who are interested in fostering a culture of mutual respect and dialogue among Jewish and Muslim communities.
* Residence in the US, UK, and/or France, or operation of their venture from these countries.
* Social entrepreneurs who demonstrate their interest in and commitment to sustainable civic engagement. There will be no specific sector focus.

In exceptional cases we will also consider individuals with an outstanding background in social activities even if they have not created a legal entity, per se.

Click here for detailed information on eligibility, program curriculum and application process. While on the Web site, be sure to sign up to receive regular updates.


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