Kosher Shavers


Traditional Judaism prohibits men from shaving their face with a razor. While many (or most) Ultra-Orthodox Jews don’t shave at all, exceptions have usually been made for electric shavers — a loophole embraced by most Modern Orthodox Jews.

Well, it turns out that in some communities the permissibility of electric shavers isn’t so straightforward and, amazingly, there’s a special beit din (Jewish court) to deal with shaver issues.

From Yated Ne’eman:

Members of the special beis din on halachic shavers held meetings at the homes of gedolei Yisroel, including Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita, where they expressed their dismay that some men still use forbidden shavers which gedolei haposkim hold are a transgression of Torah law, despite the fact two kosher shavers are currently sold on the market.



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