Has Qaddafi Gone Bonkers?


Yo Qaddafi, where’s the hate, dude?

What happened man? You were the Ahmadinejad of the 1990s! Sanctions were put on Libya! That puts you in Saddam Hussein territory.qaddafipimp.jpg

Now, you are writing op-eds in the New York Times? Not only that, you aren’t writing about your hate for Israel?

Sure, you might be expressing the ill fated arguments for a one-state solution but you are barely putting any blame on Israel. In fact, you are saying that Jews have a right to be there? Where have your morals gone?

I think I’ve heard this argument before:

It is a fact that Palestinians inhabited the land and owned farms and homes there until recently, fleeing in fear of violence at the hands of Jews after 1948 — violence that did not occur, but rumors of which led to a mass exodus. It is important to note that the Jews did not forcibly expel Palestinians.

But where did I hear it?…Oh wait! I know! That’s Israel’s main talking point!

Your ability to create funny country names never ceases to amaze me either. Isratine? More like Qaddafi-You-Creative-Son-of-a-Gun-Tine.

In all seriousness, while he is still supporting a one-state solution, I think it is a major step in the right direction for a guy like Qaddafi, though reformed in the past decade, to make statements like the one above.


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