Julian Sandler (Z”L)


Julian Sandler, former Chair of the Board of Directors of Hillel International and a supporter of MJL, has passed away at the age of 64:

During his 15 years of leadership, Mr. Sandler brought commitment, wisdom and vision to Hillel. As a member of the International Board of Governors, treasurer and vice chair of the Board of Directors, and as chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, he guided Hillel’s growth and assured a brighter future for Jewish students worldwide.

In one of his final acts, Mr. Sandler established The Julian Sandler Endowment for Executive Leadership Development which will support Hillel’s training, executive leadership development, mentoring, coaching and evaluation program for its most promising new Hillel directors. This endowment reflects the devotion of Julian and his wife Nina to Hillel’s work in inspiring Jewish students to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life

Julian Sandler was the founder and President of Rent-a-PC, Inc. – later renamed SmartSource Computer and A/V Rentals. — a nationwide provider of short-term computer, audio-visual and technology rentals to the IT community. He was a past president and an active member of the Dix Hills Jewish Center, a board member of the Fay J. Linder assisted living complex at the Gurwin Jewish Geriatric Center and a member of the Rabbinical School Board of Overseers at the Jewish Theological Seminary.

Julian was one of the first funders to get behind Daniel’s and my vision to transform MyJewishLearning.com into the site it is today and was thus instrumental in this month’s relaunch.

Our condolences go out to Julian’s widow Nina and the rest of his family and friends. He will be missed.


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