Two Separate Israeli Cabinets


This past week, the Israeli Cabinet, headed by Bibi Netanyahu as Prime Minister, was finalized. A lot of media attention has focused on the new Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. Seriously just check out this video JSteet put out about him. Something gives me the feeling they aren’t fans.

But that isn’t what this post is about.

There are two female members of the Cabinet, Limor Livnat and Sofa Landver (notice how if Canada or the United States had such little diversity, everyone would flip out). Good for them.

But wait! Not so fast!

Since I am, and I’m sure you are too, a regular subscriber to Israeli Ultra-Orthodox newspapers like Yated Ne’eman and Sha’a Tova, I’m a little confused. I saw the picture of the Cabinet in yesterday’s paper and there were no women in it.

What? They photshopped the women out? Really? They own Photoshop?


Here are the before and after pictures. If you are a subscriber to Yated Ne’eman, please, shield your eyes.


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